Together with Morningstar Investment Management (Pty) Ltd, we have established a range of investment portfolios that will facilitate the active management of our clients’ portfolios. This follows a strict process whereby investments are managed by an Investment Committee of specialists with proven track records. In their selection of unit trusts, the investment committee aims to achieve an appropriate degree of diversification while combining the investment expertise of quality investment managers.
All portfolios are subjected to rigorous qualitative and quantitative analysis when selecting underlying unit trust funds. The portfolios are managed to meet the needs of end-investors while taking the investment landscape into account.
Model portfolios provide you with many benefits in terms of flexibility, liquidity and transparency.
We negotiate reduced fees on the underlying funds where possible to ensure that our clients benefit from cost-effective portfolios.
The Southwood Balanced Portfolio has been created for Southwood Financial Planning. The objective of this multi-asset portfolio is to provide investors with long-term capital growth. The portfolio aims to generate a return of CPI + 4-5% p.a. over any rolling 5 to 7-year period and maintains a moderate-high risk profile as it may invest up to 75% in equities.
The portfolio is compliant with Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act which restricts offshore investments to 45% of the portfolio.
The portfolio is cost conscious, although it has the flexibility to use active management where it may add the most value in a risk-adjusted manner.
Morningstar Investment Management apply the independent qualitative investment research from Morningstar, Inc. analysts to provide asset allocation, investment selection and portfolio construction services. The global research team consists of more than 100 analysts and their proven track record has resulted in global assets under management exceeding $200bn.
Their investment research approach has been in place since 1984 and is forward-looking in nature, which leads to a strong emphasis on the qualitative aspects of research. Morningstar Investment Management’s aim is to recommend a relatively small number of funds that are of the highest quality and deliver risk and return outcomes that support various investment objectives.
The Morningstar Global Managed Portfolios feature on several platforms and provide a range of three actively managed, risk aligned discretionary portfolios.