Getting Back from the Taxman

Getting Back from the Taxman. Retirement Annuities & Tax Free Savings Accounts Should you wish to make a top-up to either your retirement annuity or tax-free savings account for the 2024 tax year, please contact us by the no later than Friday 16 February. The...

Getting back from the Taxman

Getting Back from the Taxman. Retirement Annuities & Tax Free Savings Accounts Should you wish to make a top-up to either your retirement annuity or tax-free savings account for the 2023 tax year, please contact us by the no later than Friday, the 17th of...

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni’s budget speech

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni delivered the budget speech on Wednesday the 26th of February 2020.  Given everything that has transpired since then, it certainly feels like a lifetime ago.  However, we are already in the second month of the 2021 tax year. As a recap,...

New laws on income tax for South African expats

We have had many questions from concerned clients around the new laws on income tax for South African expats.  We take a closer look below. The new law states: “There shall be exempt from normal tax any form of remuneration to the extent to which that remuneration...